Requesting New Features: Guidelines đź’ˇ

To help us understand and prioritize your feature requests, please follow these steps when suggesting a new feature on our community support forum:

  1. Search First
    Before posting, search the forum to see if the feature has already been requested. This helps avoid duplicates and allows you to support existing requests.

  2. Provide a Clear Title
    Use a descriptive title for your post that summarizes the feature request. For example, “Add Dark Mode Option” is clearer than “Feature Request.”

  3. Detail the Request
    Clearly explain the feature you are requesting in the body of your post. Include the following information:

    • Description: What is the feature? How would it work?
    • Purpose: Why do you need this feature? How will it benefit users?
    • Examples: Provide examples or scenarios where this feature would be useful.
    • Comparisons: If possible, mention similar features in other platforms and how they work.
  4. Be Specific
    The more specific you are, the easier it will be for us to understand and evaluate the request. Avoid vague statements like “Add more options” without additional details.

  5. Stay Engaged
    After posting, check back regularly for any follow-up questions or discussions from our team or other community members. Engage in the conversation to provide further insights if needed.

  6. Respect Forum Guidelines
    Ensure your request adheres to our forum’s guidelines and remains constructive. Polite and clear communication helps us consider your request more effectively.

  7. Vote and Comment
    If you find existing requests similar to your own, vote for them and add your comments. This helps us gauge the demand for specific features.

By following these steps, you can help us better understand your needs and consider new features that enhance the platform for everyone. Thank you for your contribution and support in improving our community! :bulb: :bulb:

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